If you are one of the billions of people who sleep with the phone next to his bed, this could be causing many problems (imperceptible for the moment) on your health.
The radiation having smartphones are really dangerous and not at all advisable.
This happens at any time of day, but during the hours we are sleeping, can lead to nightmares, not sleeping, waking up several times each night, etc. The reason? An alteration in the system of self certain processes, such as the biological clock or circadian rhythms.
44% of cell phone owners have snoozed with their phone next to their bed to make sure they didn’t miss any crucial calls or texts, according to the Pew Internet Project.
This could be bad for your health by these reasons:
- A Texas teen recently woke up to a burning smell. The cause? Her Samsung Galaxy S4, which was under her pillow, had partially melted and it scorched her sheets and mattress, too. More specifically, it seems like a non-Samsung replacement phone battery was to blame: the phone’s instruction manual warns against using incompatible cell phone batteries and chargers. The manual also notes that there’s a risk of a fire if the gadget is covered by bedding or other thick material. Bottom line: Stick to phone accessories from the original manufacturer, and don’t leave your cell on your bed.
- Cell phones (and tablets, TVs, and other gadgets with LED screens) give off what’s known as blue light—a type that studies suggest can inhibit the production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin and disrupt our circadian rhythms. This may be because blue light emits wavelengths similar to daylight, which can make our bodies think it’s daytime, at any time.
- To fall asleep when you want (and need) to, power down all electronics two hours before bedtime. Better yet, keep your phone and laptop in another room while you slumber.If you’re at all worried about the possible cancer risk, try to text instead of call, hold the phone away from your ear, or use an earpiece or the speakerphone setting as much as possible—and definitely don’t sleep with the phone next to your head.
- An investigation in Australia showed that there is an important relationship between the use of smartphones and sterility in men, as well as reduced sperm quality.
The following are tips provided by PBS to decrease exposure to cell phone radiation:
- SAR Level – Every cell phone has a specific absorption rate (SAR) which somehow indicates the amount of radiation emitted. Look for a cell phone with a low SAR level which suggests lower radiation levels.
- Use Hands-Free Devices – According to PBS, going hands-free with a Bluetooth or headset can reduce SAR levels as long as they are removed from the head when not in use.
- Restrict Talking Time – Limiting the time you spend talking obviously restricts exposure to cell phone radiation. Texting instead of talking also reduces exposure of the cranium to potential radiation.
- Distance – PBS recommends sleeping away from cell phones and advises against carrying them in front pockets.
- Ignore the Hype – Although this is not a tip for limiting exposure to cell pone radiation, keeping things in perspective can be helpful. Since there is no evidence correlating cell phone usage with cancer, it probably isn’t worth feeling overly anxious in regards to the extensive publicity on cell phones and cancer.
13/09/2002 |
Excelente revision Blanca, todo muy bien explicado. A tener mas cuidado con los moviles de ahora en adelante. No sabia que dormir con el movil cerca pudiera traer consecuencias a nuestra salud.
ResponderEliminarFelicitaciones Blanca, buen articulo y bien documentado. Las recomendaciones me parecen bastante útiles en base a la información que expones. Te deseo éxitos en tu profesión.
ResponderEliminarHi Blanca, I love your blog ... this very interesting. I hope to go on publishing important news on medicine and health. Congratulations!!
ResponderEliminarEsto si me preocupa, mi hijo duerme con su smartphone, su ipad y su psp juntos en su mesa de noche !!
ResponderEliminarEste tipo de radiacion es acumulativa? como la radiacion que se produce cuando nos toman una radiografia?
ResponderEliminarHola Laura,
EliminarSi, me temo que las radiaciones que aplicamos al cuerpo se van acumulando...
Un saludo,
Gracias Blanca por tomarte el tiempo en informarnos sobre los peligros de la radiación en estos dispositivos tan presentes en nuestra vida actual. A tomar las medidas del caso, que eso ya es responsabilidad nuestra.
ResponderEliminarUna consulta Blanca, este tipo de radiaciones es mas peligroso para los niños?
ResponderEliminarHello, my son is always stucked to his mobile all day. Until he goes to bed he doesn´t leave it. Sometimes I find him asleep with it beside his pillow. No matter how much I tell him, he doesn´t care. I would appreciate very much some advice to encourage him to leave his mobile a little . Thanks in advance
ResponderEliminarThank you for this article, I enjoyed it a lot and I will teach my children about the dangers of sleeping with a mobile phone near the bed. Little by little they are realizing how dangerous it can be if not used properly.
ResponderEliminarThe waves which mobile phones emit are very dangerous. I find this a pretty interesting news, thanks for sharing
ResponderEliminarVery good information and well detailed. This is very important news as we walk with mobile in hand on all sides more and more. I will share with co-workers who have teenagers